What to Expect

What should I expect during a Bible class?

All our classes are firmly Bible-based and invite participation.

Young children will be learning Bible stories, singing songs, and doing hands-on activities related to a Bible story. Older kids and adults will most often be reading and discussing straight from the Bible. While we do sometimes use books or videos to direct the discussion, the word of God is our ultimate authority and you’ll see that reflected in the Bible classes.

Visitors are welcome to participate or just observe, whichever makes you more comfortable. Teachers will also be glad to answer questions after the class.

What should I expect during a worship service?

You can expect to find real, ordinary people who love God and are trying to worship Him the way He wants to be worshiped. You will be free to participate or observe without being singled out or embarrassed.

We pattern our worship services after what we find Christians doing in the New Testament. Sometimes we design a service to focus more exclusively on one element, such as singing or prayer. But depending on which service you join us for, here are some things you are likely to see:

Lord’s Supper

At every Sunday morning service, we will spend some time remembering Jesus’ death on the cross with a devotional talk and the eating of the Lord’s Supper. Sometimes the entire service (prayers, songs, and all the talks) will center on this topic.


We will praise God in song, singing acapella. We have songbooks for everyone, so you can follow along with the lyrics if you wish, or you can just listen to the songs. On the last Sunday of every month our evening service is held at 3:00pm and is specifically dedicated to singing.


At our Sunday morning and evening services, we’ll usually hear a sermon that lasts around 35-45 minutes. This will often be from our regular preacher, but sometimes it will be another member of the congregation. You can find past sermons on our Audio page.


We will typically offer a few prayers to God throughout the service. Occasionally one of our Sunday evening services will be specifically dedicated to prayer.

Collecting Money

We collect money to pay for our expenses, help people who need it, and support preachers who are teaching the gospel all over the world. Visitors are never expected to contribute, so don’t feel any obligation to do so.

Please Join Us!

We are always very excited to have visitors in our assemblies. We know it can be a bit intimidating to visit with a new group and we want you to feel comfortable and welcome with us. We are a very friendly group and would love to meet you before or after the assembly.

We are a church seeking to please God – nothing more or less!